Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Mother Mary

I hope this Q and A method can help us understand the Hail Mary prayer.

Who is Mary?
Mary is mother of Jesus Christ our God and Savior.
Why Mary is important in our church?
Because Mary is the first human who believes that Jesus is God the Savior and the Messiah that God has promised through many prophets.
Who is Mary for Christians?
Mary is Our Mother of faith because Mary is the first person who believes in Jesus Christ. Everyone who labels himself as Christians follows the same faith as Mother Mary (it doesn't matter whether he acknowledges it or not). This faith was born through Mother Mary.

How should we behave to Mother Mary?
We should honor Mother Mary (because she is the mother of our faith in Jesus Christ). Because of Mary’s faith, The God’s promise to send the savior on earth becomes real through her. Mary’ Fiat: Here am I, the servant of the Lord; let it be done with me according to your word.—Luke 1:38

How to pray Hail Mary?
(First part)
Hail Mary, full of grace.
Our Lord is with you.
Blessed are you among women,
and blessed is the fruit of your womb,

(Second part)
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.

What is the first part meaning of Hail Mary’s prayer?
(Hail Mary, full of grace Our Lord is with you) We praise God, Our Father, because He has fulfilled His promise to send the Savior, the Messiah. He also will fulfill His promise to save us so we can go to the Kingdom of God. Our Lord will always keep His Promise. Let’s rejoice!
(Blessed are you among women) Eve followed the “bad angel” so women was seen as sinners. Mary followed the “good angel” and opens the possibility among sinners (men and women) to enter heaven if we also faithful and follow Jesus’ life and teaching as Mother Mary did.
(and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus) We praise Jesus the God and Our Savior who has come out through Mary’s womb.

What is the second part meaning of Hail Mary’s prayer?
(Holy Mary, Mother of God) Mary is holy woman who we believe that Mary is in Heaven with God. Mary is Mother of our faith who is faithful to follow Jesus in all her life. Mary is Mother of God Jesus Christ.
(pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen) the struggle to keep Jesus’ words and to faithful to walk through His way is a lifetime struggle. We as Christians always pray for each other so that God will give strength to us. We are weak, we ask Mother Mary to pray for us. Mother Mary the Mother of Faith and the Mother of Christ will love to pray for us so that we can together with Her in the Kingdom Of God. Amen

Sunday, January 15, 2012


Siapakah Maria itu?
Maria adalah ibu dari Yesus Kristus.

Mengapa Maria penting dalam Gereja Katolik?
Karena Maria adalah orang pertama di dunia yang percaya bahwa Yesus ialah Mesias sang Putra Allah sendiri.

Siapakah Maria bagi kita umat Kristiani?
Maria ialah Bunda iman kita. Karena Bunda Maria ialah orang yang pertama percaya bahwa Yesus ialah Sang Mesias itu sendiri. Semua orang di dunia yang mengaku bahwa Yesus itu Tuhan sebenarnya meniru iman Maria (entah dia mengakuinya atau tidak bahwa Maria ialah Bunda Iman mereka)

Bagaimana seharusnya kita bersikap kepada Bunda Maria?
Menghormatinya, karena dengan imanNya kita umat manusia boleh menerima janji Allah tentang kedatangan Mesias Sang Putra Allah sendiri.

Bagaimana berdoa Salam Maria?
(bagian pertama)
Salam Maria penuh rahmat Tuhan sertamu
Terpujilah engkau diantara wanita
dan terpujilah buah tubuhMu Yesus
(bagian kedua)
Santa Maria Bunda Allah
doakanlah kami yang berdosa ini
sekarang dan waktu kami mati. Amin

Apa arti bagian pertama dari doa Salam Maria?
bagian pertama doa Salam Maria ialah pujian kepada Allah (salam Maria penuh rahmat Tuhan sertamu), karena melalui Maria, Allah sungguh menyatakan janjinya kepada manusia untuk mengirimkan Mesias Sang Juruselamat itu yang telah di nubuatkan melalui banyak nabi. (terpujilah engkau diantara wanita) Allah memilih wanita yang waktu itu dianggap lebih rendah daripada pria dan dianggap wanita adalah penyebab manusia terjatuh di dalam dosa. Kita bisa memuji Allah karena kebaikanNya. Kita juga percaya bahwa Allah juga akan menyelamatkan kita orang-orang yang berdosa (yang mungkin notabene pria yang mengangap dirinya lebih kudus dari wanita) ini asal kita mau percaya dan mengikuti Sang Sabda (Yesus).
(dan terpujilah buah tubuhMu Yesus) tentu saja kita memuji Kristus Yesus sang Juruselamat kita.

Apa arti bagian kedua dari doa Salam Maria?
(Santa Maria Bunda Allah) Santa adalah sebutan untuk orang kudus yang kita yakini berada di surga mulia bersama Allah. Maria sebagai Bunda Iman kita yang setia mengikut Yesus Putranya sampai akhir hayatNya kita yakinni bahwa Maria masuk ke Surga. Maria ialah Bunda Sang Allah Putra.
(doakanlah kami yang berdosa ini sekarang dan waktu kami mati. Amin) perjuangan untuk tetap taat dan setia kepada Sang Sabda agar mencapai Bapa ialah perjuangan seumur hidup. Kita yang manusia lemah, mohon agar Bunda Maria mendoakan kita. Bunda Maria sang teladan iman itu sendiri yang mendoakan kita agar kita boleh kelak bersama sama dengan Bunda Maria dalam Kerajaan Allah.